Category Archives: Children + Families

A Hot Air Balloon Birthday

We went a little over the top. ha. At Maizey’s 6 month session, Michael casually mentioned that their neighbor flew hot air balloons. Like just casually told me that like it wasn’t a big deal – like he was telling me the weather. Um, excuse me, what?!?! Back up. Wut. So here we are, playing...

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Georgia, Little Artist

Georgia is three, and is pure sunshine. While she’s my little best friend, she’s also a muse to me. She’s the kid everyone looks at in the store with a smile on their face as she’s singing and giving out compliments – literally Little Miss Sunshine. She says things like “walking is so fun.” She’s...

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The Boone Family | An Exotic Animal Paradise

I always thought it wasn’t true – a farm with camels, zebras right down the road from me. Couldn’t be. But one day, on my way to a session, low and behold – I passed it – my heart nearly exploded. On the way home I stopped and left my card in the mailbox but...

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The Janes Family | Out on the Farm

When I say out on the farm, this is the epitome of a small Kentucky homestead and flashbacks of my own childhood – playing with goats and chasing chickens. When I was a teenager I couldn’t wait to escape it, but here I am – the proudest aunt in all of the world living right...

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Dre and Layla

Dear Dre and Layla,   You’re 10 and 13 now. You’ve crossed over that invisible line that puts you in the category of more grown, than not. And as you continue to learn and grow, remember to always try a little kindness first. Kindness doesn’t mean you can’t stand up for yourself, stand your ground...

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