The Johnson Family

I’ve legit known Ashley for over half my life. Since she was a baby faced 13 year old with a center part and a love for the pizza crust we served at the gas station I worked at. Before smartphones, social media and snapchat. We really are ride or die kinda friends.

She’s also been my muse, guinea pig since I’ve first picked up a camera. She pushed me to do this before I wanted to, has let me take really really terrible photos of her family and children since they were babies. I’ve let her cut and color my hair when she was just in hair school, when we thought big, big strips of blond were effing amazing – and even when I let her do them in her Mom’s bathroom. She watched me get married on a cruise ship, then I watched her get married on a cruise ship. We’ve been on vacations, road trips, good days and bad days. And I couldn’t be more thankful for this diva in my life. Her babies are my god children, she’s one of my best friends in the whole world, and every now and again I get to sit in her chair and let her work on my fropiece of hair. She’s my soul sister. 

So yesterday I drug them alllllllll the way out in the country and made them bring Thin Mint – the car you can spot from 4 lights up in Etown. And pretty awesome they brought their sweet pup, Stannis along too.

A cheers to one of my very favorite families in the whole world – to friendships from the beginning – to supporting and empowering each other along the way. What a wonderful life we live – and it’s always because of the people in it.


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