Georgia, Little Artist

Georgia is three, and is pure sunshine.

While she’s my little best friend, she’s also a muse to me. She’s the kid everyone looks at in the store with a smile on their face as she’s singing and giving out compliments – literally Little Miss Sunshine. She says things like “walking is so fun.” She’s always smiling, dancing, singing, having full blown grown up conversations like any main character in a kids movie. She’s like Punky Brewster and Rainbow Brite’s cousin. Her favorite soundtrack is HAMILTON. She’s just the.coolest.kid.

Anyway, girl loves to paint. She loves to draw, to paint, to create – just like her Momma. She says she wants to be an ‘arteeest’ when she grows up, and honestly she probably will be. So, when she Facetimed me to set up a girl day, like any normal three year old would, I decided this is something we needed to do. I said, Georgia – you wanna make a pretty mess? “YASSSSSSSS, as long as it’s pretty,” she said. Right on sister. Deal.

So, here she is in all her wonderful glory, and probably the ray of sunshine you need on this rainy day. <3

Now booking 2021 portrait sessions.




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