Jill and Dooley – A Utah Vow Renewal

Jill and Dooley celebrated their 20 year anniversary with their FIRST vacation by themselves. Can we get a cheers and an amen, choir go ahead and sing that chorus again.

Last year I posted on FB and Insta that I was dying to get out west and was hoping someone else would be too so I could justifiably pack my camera bag and get in some work while I was there. And Jill responded that she was planning this trip and would love a vow renewal while they were travelling. And friends, that is how the universe answers you. Put it out there, she’s listening.

So we coordinated our trips, I found perfect, quiet little spots along the highway of Moab and Dead Horse Point for them – as she told me “Really, I just want to eat cake and say our vows in private, between us and God.” And honest, I couldn’t think of a better plan myself. Sun rays poked from the clouds as they stood cliff side, expressing their deepest love notes and promises to one another. And it gave me such a sense of refreshment and peace. And teary eyes. This year has been so hard on everyone – but amongst it all, here I was, standing in one of the most gorgeous spots I’ve ever seen and watching love renew itself, rededicate itself right in front of me with ease. It was breath in my lungs.

So a big cheers to Jill and Dooley – to twenty years, and twenty more big trips together.


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