Caroline + Elizabeth | A princess experience

Caroline + Elizabeth had a really magical day this week, maybe fulfilling all of my own childhood dreams. ;) Dressed as true royalty, these two darlings took over Castlepost in Lexington and reigned for a day with giggles, laughter and stories of dragons.  A little rain and a cool afternoon didn’t hold them back for a second as I watched them twirl and giggle to their little hearts content.

The staff at Castlepost was over the top accommodating – and this was my first actual visit inside, rather than just drooling over it from the road. We ran through the gardens, danced in the ballroom, stood on the roof and had a private dinner (and maybe the most delicious dinner I’ve ever eaten.) So, if you haven’t visited here yet, it’s worth it for a one of kind experience!

So more of my favorites of these two and LONG MAY THEY REIGN! <3

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