Jayma + Millie | Momma and Me

This perfect pair, #girlboss goals.

I honestly can’t get enough of this session, and it was hard not to share all 200 of their images with you – I’m trying hard to practice a little more self control, but man, I still overshared. ha!
Meet Jayma and Millie – the perfect Momma and Me/Thelma and Louise duo you’ll ever meet.

Jayma encourages Millie to be her own person, she’s carefully and intentionally letting her own little personality grow, encouraging along the way and instilling girl power every single day. She’s always said she wants her to be her own person and not ever afraid to be anything but that – um, can we get an AMEN! Millie just celebrated her second birthday last month, so this shoot was celebrating a whole lot of happy + inspiration.

Everything about these two compliment one another, from Millie’s BIG personality and the best expressions on the planet to Jayma’s laid back personality and genuine smile. They really are the perfect pair – could you ever in your wildest dreams see a cuter Thelma and Louise? They call their home the ‘babe cave’ for goodness sakes – so also, can we all move in?

So here’s a big ole’ cheers to #girlpower, #girlbosses, and raising up strong women!

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